Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yes Sir, Masters

The Masters is a tradition unlike any other. We've been hearing CBS say that for years during promotion of the telecast. It's true though. The Masters is steeped in tradition--from green jackets and azaleas to the fact that it's the only major that's played at the same course each year. I have a tradition of my own.

Before moving to Charlotte, I lived in Augusta, Ga. for three years. Augusta, of course, is home to the Augusta National Golf Club, which puts on the famed tournament each year. I never had the opportunity to attend the tournament or visit the very, very private beautiful course while I was living there. But I did pass it each day on my way to work (does that count?), and occasionally the gate would be open providing a glimpse into all of the mystique.

I never really cared to attend the Masters while living in Augusta, but I did become a golf fan during that time. It was largely because the magazine I was working for produced an annual tournament guide so I had no choice but to learn about birdies, bogeys, bunkers, and what up-and-down means (I also learned the names of more golfers than I'd ever care to know). It was great to be living in a city in which for one week out of the year, the entire sports world is watching. Tens of thousands of people visit Augusta during Masters week, including dozens of people from the press, celebrities, top CEOs, and, most importantly, the best golfers in the world. And for my generation, that's meant Tiger Woods.

So my annual tradition with the Masters has been to watch the Saturday and Sunday rounds combining one of my favorite pastimes: napping. Yep, there's nothing quite like lying on the couch, watching Tiger take the lead or try to make a comeback, as I doze in and out of consciousness. It's not that it's boring, it's just because golf is played at a very slow pace. And I like to nap lightly then be awaken by the cheers of some great shot. That's what I did when I was living only five minutes from where the tournament takes place. And that's what I do now.

Tiger didn't win today. Trevor Immelman did. Tiger finished second. And I'm sure that's what will be talked about a lot over the next few days, that Tiger finished second. Sorry Immelman, but no one knows who you are. Though you will now forever be known as a Masters champion. I'll be watching SportsCenter tonight to see you get your props. I'll be up late. I took a nap today.

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