Friday, May 23, 2008

When Light Rail Gets Heavy

I rode the light rail last night to Speed Street. As is recommended by the city, I usually take the light rail whenever there's a big event going on downtown. I save time and money by not having to navigate through crowded and closed off streets, searching for parking garages that haven't reached capacity. I usually get on at the East/West Boulevard stop in South End (it makes it convenient to stop by Nikko for a drink on your way back). My friend and I did that last night and when the train arrived it was packed like sardines. But we, like everyone else, wiggled our way on. I've experienced similar crowds during CIAA week and Bobcats home games, but I think last night's crowd of people heading to Speed Street took the cake.

But at least it's not as bad as it is in Japan (see video below).

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