Monday, June 30, 2008

New Fashion Magazine Set to Debut in the Spring

Last month I blogged about there being a bubbling fashion scene in Charlotte (click here to read that post). I've discovered more evidence to possibly support that. There's a new Charlotte-based fashion magazine, titled Le Frock, that's scheduled to release its first issue in the spring.

The magazine's website says Le Frock will be "the definitive statement for high-end fashion and beauty in the Carolinas" and that it will "highlight luxury items, set fashion trends, provide insight for the fashion forward and will amplify individual excellence in an effort to establish the Carolinas as a region known for style and glamour."

We'll see just what kind of magazine this is once it debuts. I've seen start-up publications over-promise and under-deliver before. But as I stated in my initial blog post, this could be an indication of the fashion scene that's developing in Charlotte. Click here for more on Le Frock.

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