Thursday, October 16, 2008

Katie Couric's In Charlotte Tomorrow

Katie Couric will be broadcasting live from Charlotte tomorrow for the CBS Evening News. Don't worry about the site because the public won't be allowed there. It's not like her old days on the Today Show, when you could stand in the background, scream, wave, and flash signs. The city's skyline will be the backdrop for this show.

Charlotte is the first stop of three cities in presidential election battleground states Couric will be broadcasting from leading up to the election. As you should know, North Carolina is currently a tight race for Obama and McCain. Aside from talking about those two, Couric will interview Elizabeth Dole and Kay Hagan, the two women who are battling for U.S. Senate.

I met Hagan last month when she spoke at the "Your Voice. Your Vote." event my black journalists organization held. She even sent me a nice letter afterwards thanking us for working "to make this event happen and even when Senator Obama's visit threatened to steal the spotlight, you still had a great event." Yes we did.

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