Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama Is Everywhere—And May Come to Charlotte One More Time

It's Tuesday about 6 p.m. and my doorbell rings. (I never get unexpected visitors except when it's someone selling something.) I go to the door and it's a Barack Obama campaign worker. She's going door to door, checking off registered voters. "Have you voted yet?" she asks. "No, ma'am," I say (she's old enough to be my grandmother). "I'm planning to vote Friday during the early voting." "May I ask who you're voting for?" she says. Then she gives me an Obama brochure.

It's Wednesday about 7:30 p.m. and my home phone rings. (Who has a home phone these days, right? Well, I got one in March when I began working from home.) I answer the phone and it's an Obama campaign worker. She sounds young, like maybe a college freshman. She's clearly reading a script when she tells me how important the election is. She asks if I've voted yet. I tell her I plan to Friday. "Do you need a ride?" she asks. "No," I say. She reminds me that Saturday is the last day for early voting then asks who am I planning to vote for.

Thirty minutes later, I, like most of you, am watching Obama's 30-minute infomercial that he paid to run on on seven networks. I find it intriguing, yet I fall asleep on it. I was tired--physically and probably of all the campaign stuff I've been seeing and hearing. I awaken at the rally portion of it. I guess the cheers from the crowd did it.

At 11:20 p.m. I watch Obama on The Daily Show. Then when that goes off, I switch over to MSNBC and see him and Bill Clinton doing a live rally together in Florida.

A few minutes ago, I read an article on The News & Observer's website that says Obama may come back to Charlotte Monday. "According to a local source close to the campaign, the Democratic presidential candidate will hold an event in Charlotte the day before the Nov. 4 election," the article states. But it also says the event hasn't been officially confirmed by the Obama campaign. Click here for the article.

Obama is serious about not letting up until after the election is over. He's leading in every national poll and ahead in several battleground states, but he's still fighting like he's the underdog. His campaign recently released this video, titled "Don't Let Up."

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