Saturday, April 11, 2009

One Year Later: Still 'Grown People Talking'

I started exactly one year—and 344 blog posts—ago today. Not to toot my own horn here, but I'm proud that I've kept it up (that's what she said) and it's become what I hoped it would be ("Welcome to Grown People Talking"). It's been a great way for me to channel my thoughts and creativity while hopefully providing you with "Insightful and entertaining commentary about life in and around Charlotte, NC." Thank you to those of you who read it on a regular basis.

If you've been following this site then you know that I blog about a variety of things. But what the entries all have in common is that they are about people, places, and events in or related to Charlotte. I enjoy living here and even in my "real" job (I write for magazines) I'm fortunate to be able to write about the Queen City.

It's always interesting to me to see which of the posts garner the most traffic and it's not always the ones I expect. Most people who find this site get here by searching for keywords through Google or other search engines and when I'm lucky I guess I pick a topic that people are really interested in. Below are the blog posts that have received the most page views during the past year:

1. Club 935 Opening This Weekend (December 4, 2008)

3. 2009 CIAA Week Is Getting Near (February 10, 2009)

4. Bank of America's Ridin' Big (June 22, 2008)

If you have time, you should go through some of the posts from the past year (under Blog Archive in the right column of the page). It truly is like reading a recap of what's happened in Charlotte: when celebrities have visited; when big parties and events have happened; when Charlotte natives have appeared on TV; when new clubs, restaurants, and stores have opened (or closed); and sometimes my opinions on what Charlotte needs to do to become an even better place to live.

Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to another exciting year. As I blow out the candle on this first birthday, "I wish for you a hundred years of success. But it's my time!"

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