Saturday, October 3, 2009

Olympics Don't Pick Chicago; Jordan Chooses Charlotte

President Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, millions of Chicagoans, and Americans everywhere are licking their wounds after Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games was rejected yesterday. I was actually watching live coverage on CNN when Chicago was eliminated. Later that day, Rio de Janeiro was chosen as the host city. (I'm predicting now that the USA's usually dominant men's basketball team will not when gold in 2016 because they will be distracted by all the sights of beautiful Brazilian women.) So the star-studded, politically powerful caravan led by Obama and Oprah wasn't enough to impress the International Olympic Committee. Some have criticized another famous Chicago figure--Michael Jordan--for not taking the trip to Copenhagen to present to the IOC.

But Jordan had something more important to do this week: Attend the opening of the Charlotte Bobcats training camp. People, ranging from Charlotte sports fans to national sports writers, have often criticized Jordan for what they consider not enough hands-on involvement with the team. Last year, USA Today scolded him for attending a celebrity-filled celebration in Dubai for the opening of an exclusive resort ("USA Today Disses Jordan for Ditching Bobcats") when they say new head coach Larry Brown needed him. Jordan is a part owner, and as managing member of basketball operations he calls the shots.

Still, and as I have detailed often on this blog, including after I saw Jordan speak at a Charlotte Chamber event last year, he has a lot of obligations. Well, this week he made the Bobcats his top priority. At a time when his loyal Chicago Bulls fans needed him and his country's Olympic hopes rested on the shoulders of powerful people like him, he chose Charlotte. And for that, I think we should say thank you.

Thank you MJ.

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