Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ric Flair: Not Your Same Old Song and Dance

Ric Flair is one of my favorite Charlotteans to blog about. Even though he's now 60 years old and "retired" from wrestling, he's still popular with a generation of fans who weren't born yet when he was in his hey. And for those who are 80s babies like me, memories of Ric Flair represent a golden era. Now he's being immortalized in hip-hop.

There's a song titled "Ric Flair" by rapper Lil Cali and featuring Young Dro. It was actually released over the summer, but is starting to pick up a little speed. It's not the best rap song in the world, but it's sort of catchy (what isn't these days?) and Dro delivers with a witty, punchline-heavy verse as usual. And what I like about the track is that it plays it cool, and isn't overdone like B-Hamp's "Do the Ricky Bobby," which received entirely too much radio and video play a year ago.

"Ric Flair on em" is repeated in the chorus, as is the wrestler's signature "wooooooo." And there's a dance that goes along with it, but it's pretty simple--just rocking side to side in a sort of two-step with your hands out to the side.

Listen to "Ric Flair" below.

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