Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gerald Wallace to Get Some Burn

Charlotte Bobcats star Gerald Wallace is appearing on Jim Rome Is Burning today at 4:30 p.m. on ESPN. I'm assuming Wallace will appear in the "Alone With Rome" segment, and I'm guessing Rome will ask him questions about the Bobcats' run for the playoffs and about Michael Jordan being the new team owner. And I'm expecting to laugh as Rome uses his overused, and in many cases played out, slang to describe Wallace's game. "This guy is jacked. I mean, there aren't many players in the league who are willing to sacrifice their own dome, diving for the rock, taking it to your grill like G-Force." LOL!

This is the second time in a week that a Charlotte b-ball star is appearing on Rome's show. Charlotte native turned Davidson star turned Golden State Warrior Stephen Curry was on the show last week as Rome praised him for his great play as an NBA rookie. Click here to see that seven-minute segment.

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