Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rielle Brings Us Oprah

If you haven't realized it yet, in the current state of the world we live in, being a mistress is a good thing. Having an affair with a married man, particularly if he's famous, will bring you fame and lots of perks. Tiger Woods's mistresses have publicists; Jesse James's jumpoffs are getting as much limelight as his Oscar-winning wife. And then there's Reille Hunter, Charlotte's new mistress-turned-celebrity resident. Thanks to her, we might be getting a visit from Oprah Winfrey.

The National Enquirer broke the story yesterday that Oprah will be interviewing Hunter for an upcoming episode. The Enquirer even said the interview will take place in Hunter's Charlotte home. Harpo Productions confirmed today that the interview is indeed scheduled, but made no mention of the location. I would think logistically it makes more sense to interview Hunter in the confines of Oprah's Chicago studio, but, hey, maybe Oprah wants to truly go inside the life of a mistress. (And the Enquirer has been accurate about a lot of things involving Hunter in the past, including uncovering her affair with former Senator John Edwards).

Last month I blogged that "Rielle Hunter Wants This Attention" and that's only now become more evident. And for someone who claims to want privacy to raise the daughter she shares with Edwards, what kind of paparazzi circus does she think is going to take place outside of her home if the paps are now seeking sightings of the big O?

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