Sunday, April 11, 2010

Terrible Twos: 'Grown People Talking' Another Year

I realize that I have a lot going on, but I can't believe I almost forgot my birthday. Actually, the birthday of my blog, Grown People Talking. GPT turned two years old today--I launched this site April 11, 2008. So here, on April 11, 2010 at 10-something at night, I'd like to briefly reflect on my past year of blogging.

(I borrowed this cool image from a fellow blogger).

I tend to blog a lot about famous people visiting Charlotte, people from Charlotte who are becoming famous, when a cool place opens or goes out of business, when Charlotte gets an interesting top ranking on a cities list, as well as when this city is the focus of a national story regarding a certain trend. And then there's the shameless self-promotion when I post links to articles I've written for magazines and newspapers. Admittedly (and regrettably), I've slacked on my posting of Events for the Week, which, when I do it lately, has been Events for the Weekend. I have had several GPT readers scold me about this and I plan to get back to posting events consistently.

Like I did last year, below are the top-five blog posts that received the most page views during the last twelve months:
  1. Two Things I Realized About Sonya Curry (February 13, 2009)
  2. My First Time: Club 935 (January 11, 2009)
  3. History Channel Profiles Hidden Valley Kings (April 10, 2009)
  4. The List: 2010 CIAA Events and Parties (February 2, 2010)
  5. Charlotte's Kendra James Is a 'Bad Girl' (December 2, 2009)
I hope I'm able to continue to find the time to blog on this site, and I hope you'll continue to find the interest to read it. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Jarvis! Thanks for helping me stay in the know about Charlotte goings-on.
