Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Primary Responsibility

North Carolina primaries are taking place today and the polls are open until 7:30 p.m. If you're at work, perhaps you should go during your lunch break, or go after work. You should be in and out in 10-15 minutes because the lines won't be long--turnout during primaries is usually very light. That's the reason I'm posting this important reminder. We focus so much on the November elections, but guess what? It's the primaries that determine who the choices of candidates are in November, so if you don't participate in the process in May, come November your candidate may not even be on the ballot.

Today, you'll be voting on candidates for U.S. Senate and House, N.C. Senate and House, County Commissioners, Mecklenburg County Sheriff, and a few judges. You can find your voting location by visiting the North Carolina State Board of Elections website, www.sboe.state.nc.us, and clicking on "My Polling Place."

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