Tuesday, June 29, 2010

J. Cole's Full Performance from BET's Music Matters

During the BET Awards Sunday night, the network introduced a great new segment called "Music Matters." The purpose is to showcase new artists in what it says could be the next BET Superstar. During the award show, some of these artists got a chance to perform right before commercial break. I thought it was good of BET to give these deserving artists some shine, but then I quickly realized it was wack because they were only given about 30 seconds of camera time before the network cut to commercial. One of those artists who performed/got slighted was Fayetteville rapper J. Cole. And in the video below is what TV audiences missed--J. Cole adding a second verse to his cameo on Jay-Z's "A Star Is Born." And he ripped it!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you are supporting J Cole. And I heard he's coming for Summerfest. Good look for Charlotte in getting behind this guy.
