Tuesday, June 15, 2010

UNCC Police Chief Resigns; Male Student Enrollment Likely to Decline

WBTV broke the news today that UNC Charlotte police chief Marlene Hall has resigned. WBTV also broke the story back in 2006 when it learned that Hall had once posed for Playboy when she was a college student back in the 1980s and, more importantly (I guess), that she hadn't received the proper certification to run the police department. According to reporter Steve Crump, who's been covering the story over the years, Hall eventually got her paperwork in order but over the next three years she failed to bring the 40-person department up to full strength.

It's likely Hall was forced to resign. If that's the case, UNCC has made a big mistake--now and since the beginning of Hall's hiring. The mistake was not because Hall wasn't qualified to be police chief to begin with. UNCC made the mistake of not promoting the fact that its police chief, who's sworn to protect and serve a student body of nearly 25,000, is a former Playboy model. Male student enrollment, which is currently 47 percent of the student population, would've skyrocketed since 2006 if the university would've marketed this. Forget "Hot for Teacher"--think "Hot for Police Chief." UNCC should've had that emblazoned on college T-shirts and koozies. The increase in male student enrollment would've led to more money for the school from tuition, which would help its campaign to start a football program in the next few years, which would've, in turn, also served as a great recruiting tool for future players.

How many drunken male college students wouldn't fantasize about being put in handcuffs by a former Playboy model? Ooh, and the university could've allowed her to wear a sexy police uniform like girls wear during Halloween.

Okay, now as I remove my tongue from cheek, below I offer the serious news story from WBTV on Hall's resignation.

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