Monday, August 9, 2010

WIE Is Great for Charlotte Women

Last week I attended a one-night only exhibit at The Light Factory put on by the Women's Inter-Cultural Exchange (WIE). The exhibit is titled My Family, Our Culture and it showcased photos and stories from 31 of WIE's members. You can read about the exhibit and the organization on in the article I wrote ("Special Exhibit Showcases Diversity of Charlotte Women").

If you're a woman living in the Charlotte area and are looking to bond with a group of women who are excelling in their professional and personal lives and who are making a difference in their communities, you might want to consider joining WIE. The organization's mission is to bring together women of different races and cultures, and WIE is hosting its annual Members & Friends Appreciation Reception on Wednesday, September 1, 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Coffey & Thompson Gallery, 109 W. Morehead Street. If you wish to attend, you're asked to RSVP to Laura Everett by August 28 at For more details, visit

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