Sunday, October 24, 2010

Belk's New Slogan and TV Commercial Are Good for Charlotte

You're probably aware that Belk unveiled its new logo earlier this month. The Charlotte-based department store chain decided to update its image with a new logo, colors, and tagline as it kicks off a new branding campaign. It's seeking to enhance its image as it embarks on a $500 million investment over the next three years, focusing on improving e-commerce, remodeling stores, expanding shoe departments, and refocusing marketing to customers.

Belk seems to have done a better job with its new brand identity than GAP, which coincidentally was unveiled the same day as Belk's (only to be scrapped a week later). And even though we consumers don't care a whole lot about corporate branding strategies, we know what we like. And I like Belk's new TV commercial that I've seen running the last couple of weeks.

The 30-second TV ad showcases Belk's new tagline: "Modern. Southern. Style." And not only could that slogan be a good fit for Charlotte, the city is the backdrop for the commercial. If I had to describe Charlotte in a few words, modern and Southern would be two of them.

In the two YouTube videos below, the first is the 30-second TV commercial and the second is a behind-the-scenes look at how it was created. The catchy tune you here is "Little Bitty Pretty One" by Thurston Harris, but performed here by Joe Firstman. Firstman is a Charlotte native who rose to prominence as musical director for the house band on Last Call with Carson Daly.


  1. Jarvis,
    Whether or not one likes the new Belk (belk?) logo, the question needs to be asked: How can they justify $70 million on a superficial logo change in this economy? I know that the employees are asking: "What about us?" because I talked to a lot of them about this issue. Just asking.

  2. I second that notion!

  3. Love the commercial....REALLY dislike the logo...

  4. The latest Belk commercial with the soldier returning home is outright inappropriate. The little girl is completely sexualized, dressed in an animal print jacket and sporting beauty-pageant styled hair. The soldier goes for the daughter over the wife. It's just flat out creepy.

    1. You're an idiot..only a perv would think that about the girl
