Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Read About It: Flight 1549 Finally Arrives In Charlotte

I had the pleasure of attending the "homecoming reception" Saturday evening for Flight 1549 at Carolinas Aviation Museum. The plane from the "Miracle on the Hudson" will become the signature exhibit at the little-known Charlotte museum. After seeing all the national news coverage the plane was receiving as it embarked on a seven-day journey by flatbed truck--something this big has to move relatively slow--from a New Jersey warehouse to Charlotte, and seeing how tens of thousands of people were lining the interstates and highways along the way just to get a sight of it, I knew I wanted to tell a part of this story. You can read about it in the article I wrote for Charlotte magazine's website, "Miracle at the Museum," posted online today.

Laurie Crane, one of the Flight 1549 passengers I interviewed.

Click here to read the article, where you'll also find a gallery of photos by Jon Strayhorn.

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