Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Joined Twitter Today, Follow Me @HollidayInk

I joined Twitter this afternoon about the same time we felt the effects of the earthquake in Virginia. I'd been avoiding joining the social networking/microblogging site, despite at least once a week a friend or colleague telling me I should be on it or them being appalled when I said I wasn't. I have nothing against Twitter; in fact I often read the timelines of some of my favorite celebrities and of a few friends and colleagues. I just didn't want another social media tool to have to maintain and manage--I'm already on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and I have two blogs, Grown People Talking and Dusk Till Dawn (Charlotte nightlife). But it's primarily because I have a third blog launching in September that I realized that Twitter would be the best way for me to share links to my content because, those blogs coupled with the magazines I write for that post the stories online, I'm cranking out a good bit of content into the World Wide Web.

Follow me @HollidayInk.

My hope is that Twitter will provide a seamless and effortless way to share information with you. But I know, of course, what also comes along with Twitter is the retweeting, direct messages, and strategies to build followers, all of which can become time consuming (as if I don't have enough unread emails in my inboxes). But I've taken the leap and you can't put that genie back in the bottle. Perhaps I'll grow to love Twitter, and hopefully people will follow me @HollidayInk.

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