Monday, September 5, 2011

Mayor Foxx Is Charlotte

The 2011 Charlotte Labor Day Parade made its way through the streets of Uptown today. Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx, who is seeking a second term this November, marched in the parade with his son, surrounded by several of his campaign supporters. Mayor Foxx, as you might know, is a Charlotte native (you don't tend to run into too many of those around here because they're greatly outnumbered by transplants), and he's a West Charlotte High and Davidson College (and NYU) grad. I've always felt that he has a unique and valuable perspective on this city because he's from here, has lived here most of his life, has watched Charlotte grow, and for the last several years has helped lead that growth.

Photo by Jonathan Webber.

His campaign committee posted photos from the parade onto his Facebook page tonight. You can view them at (or directly by clicking on this link to the album). I just wanted to point out one of the photos in particular because in it you can see that he's dressed in a The Coffee Cup T-shirt and Carolina Panthers cap. That's Charlotte.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing my photos. My favorite is the one with Mayor Foxx and his son, who is holding a "Vote Union" balloon. ~ JW
