A couple of days ago I saw a young lady on Twitter asking if anyone wanted to sell their ticket to TEDxCharlotte, which made me LOL because clearly she didn't know how the process worked. You had to apply by late August and then invitations went out to selected people a couple of weeks later. Invitations weren't transferable.
If you're not attending, you can still follow the TEDxCharlotte action Saturday via Twitter. The conference is 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and during that time I guarantee you'll find dozens of people live tweeting using the pre-advertised #TEDxCLT hashtag--it's a TED event so this is definitely a Twitter and social media crowd.
And one other cool thing is there's TEDxtra--an after-party, 5-7 p.m., at Butter NC (950 Seaboard St. at NC Music Factory). It's free admission, there will be TEDxCharlotte drink specials, and music by DJ Edouard.
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